If you have a good understanding of the game, chances are you’ll be way ahead of some of your opponents when playing Texas Hold’em poker. But that won’t guarantee you can beat your opponents in a real poker game.
Even if you have more experience and have read a lot of articles and how-to books, they won’t be useful if you don’t adapt your game strategy to the playing style characteristics of each opponent you face in a real poker game.
You need to know that almost every game the players have almost the same characteristics.
The characteristics of these players are usually divided into:
Realise that every move you make at the poker table is part of the communication between you and your opponent.
If you make a move that is far beyond the scope of your opponent’s poker understanding, then think of it as if you are talking to your opponent in a language that your opponent does not understand.
If you want to avoid tables that have large betting chips, there are some simple formulas that you can use to maximise your edge against each type of player.
The table with a small bet value is usually more crowded by players, because the small bet value has a small risk of defeat as well, in this case it should be noted that the average type of player who plays in a table with a small bet value is usually dominated by novice players rather than high-class players or professional players.
Use this understanding as a first step to adjust the table or opponent with your poker skills, adequate consideration before deciding to play is the key to your success in playing poker.
This type of player is usually someone who has never played poker before, so just let the rules in the poker game itself finish him off.
They are players who don’t know any of the rules of the game, they have never even thought about what poker is and have no clue about the game at all.
Whatever happens in the game they don’t know either, think of this type of player as an extra party player because the moves they make in the game are usually unpredictable.
So this does not make them an obstacle for you, they will tend to bet all out or even choose to do nothing at all.
This type of player usually knows the basics of the game of poker they will play using the most basic strategy, it can be easily predicted that they will put all their decisions purely on the strength of the two cards they are holding.
This type of player is also easy to spot as they will usually risk 90% of the chips they have to bet with rather than saving their chips and using them at the end of the bet, leaving only one or two chips in their hand. The best strategy you can use to deal with this type of player is to play very aggressively.
If you play with the same opponents almost every week then it can be concluded that the ability of each player has increased to be considered an intermediate type player, this type of player has an understanding of the game of poker and has begun to develop their way of playing a little, in short this type of player tends to make fewer mistakes than players who are still beginners.
Depending on where you are, this type of player can be present at any time ranging from very rare or even ubiquitous.
Therefore, it is very important for you to know their existence early because you will need a different approach to deal with them, there are several characteristics that can be recognised from them usually:
Based on this, the best way for you to deal with this type of player is to wait for them to make a stupid move, this type of player plays the same as a middle-class player just has a little more tricks in playing.
Just let them brag and wait for them to make a stupid move and one more thing this type of player usually does have a problem with their ego.