Video poker is the kind of gambling game where the skill of the player comes to the fore. Luck is of course a factor in any given game, but over longer periods of time, it’s the skill of the player that counts.
Like blackjack, video poker leaves almost no room for experimentation.
Optimal strategies have long been devised for each game. By following them, the player reduces the mathematical advantage of the house to a minimum, and in some versions, even gains an advantage over the casino.
However, a true professional cannot simply use a cheat sheet and thoughtlessly make strategy decisions. He should definitely understand why he’s doing it this way and not that way in every single case. This will help him avoid problems if he gets into trouble and can’t ask for help from a tablet or a more experienced partner.
Some challenging video poker game situations are covered in this article. We’ll go over a few difficulties, which often make mistakes not only for beginners, but also for very experienced players. These are exceptions to the general guidelines, so they often cause confusion. But if you play them right, you’ll increase your chances of success.
So, here goes.
Our first example comes from video poker game Jacks or Better. Imagine you’re holding two tens, a jack, a queen and a king (10, 10, J, Q, K) of various suits, without the so-called flush draw (four cards per flush).
In most situations like this, when there’s a pair and a two-way straight draw, you should keep the pair. But it’s advisable to try to make a straight here. Even if you don’t succeed, there’s a good chance you’ll get a pair that will also pay.
Now let’s look at another possible Jacks of Better hand. Let’s say you get a spades six, jack, king and ace, as well as a six of another suit (As, Ks, Js, 6s and 6c). Surely you understand that in this case you have to “break” a pair of sixes. But the question arises: should you fight for a flush or a royal flush?
Mathematicians have calculated that the second option is more profitable for the player. If there are three cards to Royal Flush, one must give up a small pair and fight for the maximum combination.
Now let’s talk about a fairly common situation that occurs in Deuces Wild. So, the virtual dealer deals you the following cards: the spades five, seven, jack and ace as well as the clubs five (As, Js, 7s, 5s and 5c). Many inexperienced users think they should discard a pair here in favour of the possibility of collecting a flush.
This decision is subconsciously forced by the fact that small cards make up the pair. But don’t forget that in Deuces Wild pairs don’t pay at all, so there’s no difference between two fives and two aces. They still need to be strengthened anyway.
So in this layout you have to stop at a pair of fives and change the other three cards. The probability of getting the combination is quite high, considering that all twos are jokers.